
On Loneliness

To be alone is to be all one. That is to be whole. So you can see yourself as you are in the mirror of your solitude. You can reflect on your past and ponder about your future.
As we are all carried away in the turbulent river of life, we seek a moment of respite by grasping on a hanging branch of the tree of solitude. While in seclusion we might feel the pressure of the river. Nevertheless, we are determined to stay firm and steadfast. Because, we know to be carried away is to lose that essence that we call the spirit of man!
"Life lived as an event is a drama. Life reduced to process becomes vegetation."--Abraham J. Heschel

--from sometimes ago

1 comment:

first said...

I want to know if it is true. I want to know if it is true that man is trapped. No I do not want to know that. I want to know that man is not trapped; that there is more in life to look forward to than mere transient pleasures. Is it too much to ask for? Is it fruitless to imagine that which is beyond our grasp? In this journey man is forlorn!