
Missing out ...

I noticed I react to multiplicity and complexity of a situation by simplifying it, by the mean of cutting down on the number of involving characters or processes.

Such an attitude, while simplifying the situation, drains the set of possible outcomes from its richness.

Thus we see the trade-off between simplicity and richness.


Elsepath (A poem by firstcomet)

She was trapped in a dilemma;
life, so called, her share of the eerie
the repetition of a self, weary!

The moment her back pain was back
the shared hurt of living, intact
the truth was what she lacked

In retrospect, these were the facts:
The back pain was to evade,
the rest was attention overpaid!

The boisterous everyday parade
to sense the real with reason
was to construct a new prison!

Or the search for the prose that rhymed
was nothing more than a waste of time;
a mortal's search for the sublime!