
On Stories

I generate stories. People listen to my stories. People like my stories. Those are my stories. Every time I run out of stories I start to think how to make a new story. I don’t want just making any stories. I want to tell something that is sexy, something exotic….
Stories, they don’t just exist; they need to be created! And when they are brought into life they could be told. And depending on how interesting they are they might outlive civilizations. But, how do we generate stories? Well, stories are made of characters. One way is to pick up a character and play the role of that and eventually bring more characters into the story & so on!
I play roles. I’m the roles. Roles play me. Roles are me. I’m not the same as roles, as long as I’m not playing the roles. I am the roles; roles are me. Where is the sweet sovereignty?

--from sometimes ago

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