

Numb finger tips and toes
A foggy head and dropping eyelids
Still attending, still listening!
Reaching out, grabbing, drinking
Feeling the hot liquid
Obeying the law of gravity
I was equally bound

A shivering body and a sigh
This is the beginning
Of what you may call
Today or maybe tomorrow

A strong representation of reality
Decisive actions
Less lines, more fool
Or just a simple reflection
off the right or the left
Deep blue lakes
Or echos off the adjacent mountains
Which called me loud
Till the dissipation of energy
Till the end of a field trip
When the maps are rolled back
Till the snow shoes are detached

Bounded by the images of myself
And Reality and your lashes
But soon to be alive again
By the teaine in those gravity driven drops



The idea that people who come to our lives are not there in vein motivates us to be open to possibilities. And that makes the difference of pouring forth our hearts for each other or to be cynics.