I finally finished George Orwell's 1984. It has induced a sense of strong hatred in me that I have scarcely experienced as an adult. It reminded me of my own childhood memories as a member of a minority group in Iran during 1980s; the resemblance to the methods used by the dominant party (still in place) is astonishing. The conclusion of the book is grim.
''Whoever holds the past holds the future. Whoever holds the present holds the past.''
The only way to reality is through the mind of man. One who controls the mind of man controls his reality. Can that be true?
It seems to me that certain modes of thinking- due to their natural affinity to the true reality of man and their descriptive power as of his relationship to the physical world- are bound to dominate. Thus, in the presence of sufficient thought dynamics the truth will prevail or the untruth will be defeated �. Alas, Generations are to be sacrificed!