
In Progress!

Terry and Janet said: “Okay, we’re pretending that we didn’t hear this!”
Steve said: “I’m pretending I didn’t hear this!”
Steve said: “I liked it!”
Steve said: “You’ve been extended!”
George said: “That’s interesting!”
Riccardo said: “That’s great!”
Riccardo said: “Let’s apply together!”
Math said: “Looking forward!”
I said: “Life goes on!”

Beyond common sense!

Is it really that hard to trust somebody? Is it really that hard to accept your mental model for somebody was wrong and moving on? Is it really that hard to get over hurt?
How easy is it to become a cynic? How many disappointments tips you over that “razor’s edge”? What do you lose and how much do you gain while trying to protect yourself from hurt and disappointments?
Within these lines are hidden hundreds of years of suffering and hundreds of years of moral evolution.