
On Post-Selfism

Post-Selfism Manifesto!
We are living in an era in which the prospect of a Post-Selfist movement is eminent. A Post-Selfist, entangled with new discoveries in cognitive sciences, finds the scientific bases for creating a new grammar of bewilderment:
“Sometimes I sits by I,” says a Post-Selfist, “and I wonders why I exists?”
“Have you ever wondered and then wondered why you wondered?” whispers as he watches the fireworks.
Post-Selfism is the attitude of a new objectivity, a new approach to the very definition of values. So, it is very typical of a Post-Selfist to ask: “Is it intelligible to rely on one’s intelligence?”
Post-Selfists are at the verge of developing a new perceptual faculty. A new faculty that transcends and transforms all internalized perceptual tools. A new faculty that cannot be imagined, explained, or conceived. Ironically, that very fact is the deriving force behind Post-Selfist movement.
As Post-Selfism starts to emerge as a novel movement in the coming years, Post-Selfists always remember that Post-Selfism is an exigency of time not a universally acclaimed truth of any sort.

--from sometime ago

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