
A social networking fruit punch!

Like it or not many of us have become "habitual prisoners" of the social networking sites. Here, I use the term "prisoner" to emphasize the fact that we cannot leave them! Not only that but also the often neglected reality that we provide many of these sites with free labor by providing them with cheap content in the form of personal news, videos, etc. On the bright side, these sites provide us with effective tools for staying in touch with our friends, expressing ourselves, sharing, discussing, gossiping, flirting , and getting feedbacks (often that you are an idiot). So, it makes me think if it is possible to benefit from the services provided by these sites without being locked into any particular site. For instance, I wish to see the equivalent of the Gaim (the fruit punch of the instance massaging world) in the realm of social networking [1]. This is more of a challenge that needs to be addressed by the community of open source programmers. And I bet somebody somewhere has already thought about it! Let me know if you know of any such project.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidgin_%28software%29