
Just need another glass of wine (firstcomet)

Tonight is one of those nights when the goddess of art comes down the incomprehensible to give us mortals company:
So, Welcome! And I press thee to relieve us from all distress.
Because, tonight this mistress of mine is drinking somebody else's wine!
And stress is the share of this -so pretending- fortress heart of mine!
But, never mind and leave the tragedy behind.
Because, the music is on and when the goddess of art sings her divine rhyme,
The 'beautiful' and the 'bright as the moon' all come to me!
I guess life is fine;
I just need another glass of wine!
And improvise another line:
"ein' feste Burg ist unser gott"1

1)A mighty fortress is our god, by Martin Luther.
This song has been called "the greatest hymn of the greatest man of the greatest period of German history" and the "Battle Hymn of the Reformation." See: http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/m/i/mightyfo.htm

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Anonymous said...

Well, there is just a thin line between being genius and being lunatic, I afraid you've passed the line

first said...

first: hey, did you leave a message on my blog?
anonymous ---: Oh... uh... Hello
anonymous ---: what blog?
first: my firstsignal
anonymous ---: why you'r asking?
anonymous ---: yes I wrote that
first: why?
anonymous ---: what's wrong with that?
first: that's derogatory!
anonymous ---: what the fuck does that mean?
first: did you understand the poem?
anonymous ---: no
first: but, you left the comment?
anonymous ---: heck yes
first: lol
first: take it easy!
anonymous ---: the most amazing functions of human brain is to leave comments on what you have no idea what the fuck is going on with
first: that's what everybody does anyways with politics, science, and so on
first: right?
anonymous ---: I'll send my blogaddress to you and you will be overwhelmed with simplicity and deepness at the same time
first: looking forward
anonymous ---: this is called scietific guess
anonymous ---: it is different with bulshiting
anonymous ---: or guestimation
anonymous ---: you know the writer
first: what is the address?
anonymous ---: you know he is lunatic
anonymous ---: so you can mention he's passed the line
anonymous ---: whatever he writes
anonymous ---: your point is correct
first: whatever you say
anonymous ---: thanks man
anonymous ---: I knew you understand
first: I try
anonymous ---: you can delete that anyways
first: why?
anonymous ---: I mean my comment
first: why should I delete it?
anonymous ---: in case you don't like the truth
anonymous ---: complex thinking is not a scientific way
anonymous ---: don't forget what einstein mentions
first: the truth? Truth is like a river and changes all the time
anonymous ---: "make it simple, as simple as possible but not simpler"
first: My thoughts have changed over years and that Blog does not reflect my current mind set
anonymous ---: some of them does and some doesn't
anonymous ---: I know
anonymous ---: and you need your blog to see your change
anonymous ---: "the only everlasting is change" Siddharta
first: That's the mirror that I mentioned in my Blog
first: what is the address to your Blog
first: ?
anonymous ---: I'll tell you later
first: okay!
anonymous ---: when you are ready enough
first: have a good night!
anonymous ---: you too bro
anonymous ---: and don't forget
first: bye!
anonymous ---: always use protection
anonymous ---: bye

first said...

I am moving on. I do not know what will happen to this desire, this yearning of my heart. It seems to me that will eventually go away. And the void will be filled with new events and memories. How ephemeral is human emotion! How fragile are our motives! And how helpless we are when we come face-to-face with their unanticipated encounter!
Good bye my love, good by!

first said...

I was sitting in Union studying and listening to 'Hungarian Rhapsody' by Franz Liszt. For some reason it reminded me of you. So, I thought of writing you a couple of lines and thanking you for being my friend and tolerating my weird characters.

first said...

Around 11:30pm I checked the lottery results one more time. I hadn’t won! At that moment I knew that the world had chosen a different route for my life. A few minutes earlier I had finally succeeded to get hold of some pictures of my dream girl (thanks to the technology). That only added to the drama at hand. There was a lot going on in my brain at the time. A wise man told me that either you are very happy and content with your life and that’s why you don’t look for a girlfriend or maybe you just feel weak! “A life lived as an event is drama!”
Do you believe in the power of human mind! Do you believe that whenever we put our mind thoroughly into something we succeed? Our maybe it’s all just a scam? It never looked real to begin with…. But, the other day in the airport I felt her pain. I don’t know what her name is … never cared to know what her name was! I passed by it and it was just another object. Now, I wonder about the other day when I saw that black family: A mother, two kids, 2 and 5, and a grandmother. What is going to happen to the little baby? Have you ever wondered? Have you ever cared? Have you ever had an encounter with one? The journey took me to where vacation houses worth seven figures. The talk of the parties was condo constructions and smart tax avoidance strategies. I don’t know!
My dream girl’s picture in front of me… I have become all desire! I take a deep sigh and leave my wandering heart alone.
It reminded me of the Siesta beach: between my friends I was supposed to play the role of the pacifier, or a story teller. You see the reason that you are so attracted to those babes boobies is your build in evolutionary program that encourages you to pass your genes to the next generation…. Stories that distract us mortals of ourselves!

I see somewhere far ahead there lies a moment.
Till that moment comes I shall go on.
When the moment finally arrives
I will embrace it and will move on….