
On Morality and Philosophy

I have a great deal of contempt for morality, intelligence, and any other concept defined in a general sense. What if a maxim does not hold in a particular situation? Should I be intimidated by its grandiose and forced to its observance? What if a different set of etiquettes pay off in a system; shall we not redefine who a gentleman is? One might provoke the subjective happiness as the driving force behind ones action. To whom I shall say: "I can see your generous soul behind your trite expressions!"

Let philosophy make us fly. Let philosophy be a cause of transcendence. Let not to degrade this all mighty product of our rationality. Let it nurture our rationality so that the mighty course of evolution selectively bypasses all other human -all too human- faculties.
Let not to enter human obduracy into this equation. Let them to annihilate in their week-kneed will. Or let philosophy command them to what behooveth them. Let not tone this instrument but by the utmost high melodies of good will.
Maybe after all I was right when I said:
Masses need direction. Directors need philosophy. Philosophers need good music. Musician shall stay away from all masses, all directors, and all philosophers!
Maybe philosophy is condemned to struggle in this quagmire of absurdness and nausea!
So let us go back to our music!
Softly, deftly, music shall caress you,
hear it, feel, it, secretly posess you,

--from simetimes ago

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