
In the streets of everyday life!

What a treat it is!
To watch a blind man finding his way
Down those steep steps
Round the blocked sidewalks
Just to make it on time
To knock his cane
On the closing doors of a shuttle
That comes by only once in while
What a treat it is
To see the door open
To watch him finding his way home!

What a treat it is
To see a 300 pound woman
Wearing a small backpack
Full of grocery items
And the spinach
Sticking its head out
Yelling atcha:
Say no to the plastic bags!

What a treat it is
To see a dog finding its object of desire
Near the roots of an old tree
Ignored by generations of passerbys
Even for a moment,
A fleeting sojourn
Made all the difference!

What a treat it is
To get hurt
That feeling in the stomach
That crawls up your chest
Making you feel something
Gasping for air
A few drops of rain
You've become human again!

What a treat it is
To dance the whole night
Just to miss you in the crowd
Not even the last song
brings the magical moment of encounter
Just to find you putting on your raincoat
Just to hear the DJ announcing the encore
What a treat it is
To have your number
At the end of that last dance!


A simple rule for cooperation

"What a man hears he may doubt, what he sees he may possibly doubt, but what he does himself he cannot doubt."