
Fragments of time (by first comet)

Can you break a moment into halves?
A half to break down,
another to laugh?

Or am I doomed to only one;
the one that I'd like to shun?

I guess I will nerver know ...
Such is moments' flow!


The weight of time (by firstcomet)

Why is it that hours make my shoulders tense?
Why is that dealines make my schedule condense?
It think that time is heavy and it makes sense!


It ain't gonna rain (by firstcomet)!

The weather man said it will rain
And it added to my pain!
He didn't tell us when
Just suggested indoor we remain.

I took a deep breath and said amen!
And then I canceled the date
And yielded to my uncompromising fate .

And even though,
Getting shot by a sudden tunder strike,
In the middle of the Charles,
With her by my side,
Was something I very much liked,
In the interest of her safety
By the rules of nature, I had to abide!

One rainy day (by firstcomet)!

Hello You!
The Postcard I mailed,
I wonder if you've got!
You might have thought .
I Forgot!
But, two cards I sent,
To fool my fate up to 75 percent!

I hope all is well!
And if one rainy day,
You hear the bell, or a yell,
By the residence you dwell,
It's gonna be me,
Yes, I've got your address baby!
And maybe, only maybe,
You'll drop your key,
After my extended plea!
And have me over
For a cup of tea!

I might be rather wet
But do not fret!
Just don't forget
To have your key handy
And I know, Your window,
Will be ajar,
Since You Don't own

That machine that blows
So You don't keep your windows close!
And that's why your room, always
Smells like a bouquet of rose!

In progress!