
Anjou Pear

Red Anjous now can be found on grocery produce counters from late September or early October through the spring months.

The best indication of ripeness for any pear is the thumb test: gentle thumb pressure near the stem will yield slightly when the pear is ripe.

Depending on their level of ripeness when purchased, it may take several days before they are ready to eat. The results, however, are well worth the wait. Red Anjous develop a mild, sweet flavor with very smooth texture and abundant juices when ripe.


La Petite Mort

Having been surrounded, I thought it was going be a real problem … spending the night in a hotel room, queen size bed, windows wide open to the anticipation of a warm sunny day, and two travelers having come hundreds of miles … just to come:

“the pleasures in this world,
soft breeze, soft
thighs, a bit of music,
words that make
a good sound …”

It might cause us to experience some real discomfort, a little death or La Petite Mort!


So many signals around Fortunate those who decode
Plenty points to be found Where does the secret abode