

If one can show significant correlation between an individual’s ‘nose-topology’, ‘resistance to common cold’ and ‘success in the mating process’ then a triangular cause-and-effect relationship between the abovementioned factors can be established.
The proposition is that certain subsets of the population, either due to environmental factors or their genetic makeup are less resistant to common cold and thus the rate of their mortality due to the associated virus is higher. In particular, the Homo- sapiens nose is remorselessly attacked by the common cold virus, and as a result deformation of the nose over an extended period of time is unavoidable. Thus, a correlation between the noise topology and the resistance to common cold could be established if one can quantify the simultaneous presence of genes that lead to an abnormal nose topology and those that severely impair organism’s immunity towards common cold.
Given that the proposition holds, the next step is to conduct a subjective experiment where the degrees of attractiveness of a male/female subject by a random population of females/males is assessed and correlated with the subject’s nose topology.
Here one can expect that the sexes within the population have developed the skill to detect the resistant strains and sieve out the vulnerable ones. Such ability could have definite evolutionary advantages and thus accumulated in the surviving populations.
Even though due to advances in medical sciences the common cold is not considered a serious health threat, the evolutionary acquired repugnance towards abnormal nose topology hinders the normal process of the afflicted individual’s life. Thus, Rhinoplasty as a feasible solution champions the cause of human liberation from the rubbles of time where the rabbles’ intellect fail!

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