
Be yourself!

to be nobody but yourself
in a world which is doing
its best night and day
to make you like everybody else
means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight
and never stop fighting.

How can one explain this persistent tendency for convergence to mean?
What happened to us? Being sucked into the absurd rituals of our societies. Ideals that are long forgotten! Dreams that are long being caffeinated! Heroes who are long being defeated! And legends that are eternally afflicted by the pestilent disease of herd mentality!
Now, wake up and look yourself in the mirror! Ponder upon what the mirror reflects and reflect upon what your inner being commands!

You are trapped forever if you are not honest to yourself today!


first said...

Fooled I was, I have revived
Fooled by randomness, I have thrived!
I saw the depth, and I certainly dived
Exhilarated and happy, I am alive!
Now I go on and hypothesize
On the end of this curve I shall survive!

Today I was randomly born again!
Today I was fearlessly remade!
Today I got my answer!
Today is Sunday, April 11, 2004!

Happy Birthday!

first said...

This is an exclamation! This is maybe an utter cry of misery. Thou shalt not pity for me. We are going to dance and you are going to be my partner. Don’t hesitate. Don’t keep silence. Say something! Here is the inertia! The persistent resistance of nothing. And I am the nothing. Being entangled with nausea and despair. Let’s dance I need to escape. Today is going to be the turning point in man’s history. A revelation! And all our reward is seeing! Love or despair, resistance or nausea? These are all boundaries. Where is the overman? Where is the fantasy? There is an arrow pointing to darkness. "Oh, thou children of misery and chance, the best thing for you is not to be born and the second best thing for you is to immediately die." Where is my myth? Where is me? What is this despair? What is this nausea? It is good to be born. It is good to be born again! Oh, thou eternal recurrence! Oh, thou all man! Oh, thou all real! Oh, thou all true! Where is my melody? I lost the rhythm and emptiness is my share of this universe. Where is my hero? Where is the hero in me? What is life? An inertia attached to me? A point of Gravity? Oh, thou sweat tragedy come and burn away all fear all despair all me. We need to start again. We shall conquer. We shall fight. We shall win! ….