
a woman from inside out


first said...

An image is everything!
It is both the motivation and the goal.
It is the realization of a dream
It is the reason for many desires.
And your face so beautiful and radiant
could that be my share of life?
Or maybe just the image of you?!
In that phony photograph of you
I shall seek the essence of you!
In that frame I shall project my fantasies
In which I shall built a new image of you!
But, who are you? Since I don’t know you!
I barely saw you and barely saw you again!
But, you see? That’s why the image of you
That stolen smile of you
Seen by this eyes mine, this cause of demise of mine
is my share of life!

"What are you going to make of your life," said the wise in me that cause of demise in me!
So, I go on with my life, till life goes my way one day!
In your image I still seek comfort
In each image of you is hidden a stolen beat of my heart …

Anonymous said...
