

My blood is dark green
and the viscous elixir
flows through my veins,
filling my lungs, tickling my sinus
all the way to the pituitary.

I am the Master Hunter,
and I want it split in two glasses!
I have it in two glasses, to slowly melt
my frozen soul and dissolve it
in the minty liquid, for others to drink.

In this tragedy of the commons, which we play
I open my heart to the Marys, Sarahs and Evas;
transient relieves of my incipient mononucleosis.
But they take it and they cut it into pieces
and mix the shaken pump of my existence
in their favorite cranberry juice.

I am the Master Hunter;
And I went to the moon and back
just to hunt you here tonight.
Join me, green fairy,
as we disrupt the blissful repose of nothingness
and give some meaning to life.

--I.S., excerpts from the Master Hunter's of Wendell St.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as we disrupt the blissful repose of nothingness

and attach value to life [1].

--I.S., excerpts from the Master Hunter's of Wendell St.

[1] Goethe's couplet for Schopenhauer:

Willst du dich des Lebens Freuen,

So musst der Welt du Werth verleihen.

If you wish to draw pleasure out of life,

You must attach value to the world.
