

Holding in your eyes
Autumns of Gold,
Between your lips
Happiness conceives,
I’ll whisper your name;
Till the end of aaaaaaaa
Till dissipation of sound …

What silence may bring;
May solitude reign supreme?
For you are half dream,
I cherish the dark!
At the verge of the night,
When dreams come to life,
I hold you tight!


Anonymous said...

Me gusta bailar, me gustas tu.
Me gustan los lirios, me gustas tu.
Me gusta tu sonrisa, me gustas...
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazon?

I like to dance, I like you,
I like lilies, I like you
I like your smile, I like you
What shall I do, I don't know
What shall I do, I don't know more
What shall I do, I am lost
What time is it, my heart?

Anonymous said...

> I just received a rather bizarre delivery at my office and I have no idea who sent it- no chance it came from you?

Good to hear you're alive. I promise not to bother you anymore. Give me a call if you like to hang out sometime.
PS. First poem in a year. I thought I had lost it. Thank you!