
Romeo and Juliet (by firstcomet)

It was twenty of us or maybe more.
When we arrived at the shore,
the beach was like a seamless décor.
But soon as the frisbees began to soar,
impressionist forms began to born!

There were pearls to unfold
There were scenes to behold
There were stories to be told
But then I felt something cold;
A nostalgic existential breeze!

Tears were falling
and I was on my knees!

Where the island met the sea,
in a moment of ecstasy,
too short lived an encounter
left a trace on the shore
that no traveler can ignore!


Anonymous said...

It was twenty of us or maybe more
When we arrived at the shore
The beach was like a seamless decor
But soon as the frisbees began to soar
Impressionist forms were to born

Anonymous said...

It was twenty of us or maybe more
When we arrived at the shore
The beach was like a seamless decor
But soon as the frisbees began to soar
Impressionist forms were to born

Anonymous said...

There were pearls to be unfold
There were scenes to behold
There were stories to be told
But then I felt something cold

Anonymous said...

It was twenty of us or maybe more.
When we arrived at the shore,
the beach was like a seamless décor.
But soon as the frisbees began to soar,
impressionist forms began to born
There were pearls to unfold
There were scenes to behold
There were stories to be told
But then I felt something cold;
A nostalgic existential breeze,
Tears were falling and I was on my knees;
Where the island met the sea,
in a moment of ecstasy,
too short lived an encounter
left a trace on the shore
that no traveler can ever ignore!

Anonymous said...

Such a nostalgic existential breeze,
Tears falling and you’re on your knees;
Where the island meet the sea,
in a moment of ecstasy,
too short lived an encounter
leaves a trace on the shore
that no traveler can ignore!