
Why truth did not prevail? The triple-F factor

Factuality: a necessary condition to stay truthful is to keep track of facts and stay faithful to them.

Fallibility: human beings make mistakes. Furthermore, they often find it more convenient to hide their fallibility from others, or rationalize their mistakes, or to blame others for their own wrong doings.

Friendliness: social life requires collaborating with others to achieve common goals or to compromise over incompatible objectives. Friendship by definition requires being biased with respect to certain individuals, thus, manipulating facts to their advantage. (1)

Looking at the state of affairs, evolution is telling us that there are other qualities that take precedence over truthfulness. These qualities equipped our ancestors to cope with the complications of living in groups.

So, why do we emphasize being truthful over being socially compatible? Is it simply a byproduct of the moral codes handed down to us by religion and philosophy? I have an alternative hypothesis: "Knowing that the other person is truthful helps us to lie better."

1) there is a 4th factor that I'm withholding from you. Is that considered not being truthful?


Anonymous said...

"did you mean to hurt your feeling!" “If you meant……”

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary Definition
mean (INTEND) verb meant, meant
to intend:

“What to do? Make up for it by action and never try to resolve the issue on rational grounds. These are all assuming that you are not a fool to begin with!”

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Rational adjective
showing clear thought or reason:
Rationally adverb
in a way based on reason rather than emotions:

If the person was aware of his intention or he meant what he said, how can he takes action, since he had a plan or purpose?
If the person was not aware of his intention and he did not mean what he said. Then, if he is not mature enough to correct the situation so, how can he take the necessary action to correct it.
If showing clear thought or reason is not the way to make him aware, then how else can one show the person what action to take to reach a level of maturity or in your words not to be a fool or smart ass.

Anonymous said...

Why do we get hurt? What does it mean to be insulted?
Point 1) I just think "getting hurt" is an instinctive reaction that we learnt through evolution to help us protect our boundaries (territories). What do you do when you get hurt? You take certain actions; including letting the other person know he/she has crossed your boundaries.
Point 2) Rational arguments are human beings’ way of establishing dominance, i.e., somebody is going to feel inferior at the end of the argument, or otherwise, both parties will stay firm on their own reasoning.

Putting 1) and 2) together it seems like on average you’ll be better off to drop the topic and if you really care try to make up for it by doing something nice for your friend.