
I have a quote on my Blog that goes like this: “If you wonder then ponder and never settle on the obvious the world will be a better place!” What I did not mention is what happens to you! The answer is that you go crazy, or at the very least you’ll find yourself belonging to a very tiny minority that is often being ostracized by the masses.

I really liked the Video and envy you guys for couple of reasons: Having a platform (videos) to express your ideals and aspirations is essential to coping with the contradictions that you encounter as a youth in today’s world. In addition, it seems like being in Vancouver also helps by being exposed to a wider range of people including (hopefully) more open minded .... That’s one of the reasons I’m looking forward to moving to Boston at the end of August; I'm being rotten in ...!

As far as the “harmony of science and religion” and the concept of “independent investigation of truth” are concerned, I have not yet figured them out! The first statement seems like a paradox if not an oxymoron! Religion is based on faith and science is never based on faith. The second statement concerns itself with “truth”, which in the context of religion means the “religious truth”. What if you conduct an “independent investigation of truth” and come at the conclusion that there is no absolute truth and religion is just man’s best attempt (as apposed to a divine intervention) to explain/mitigate the cause of his misery and ignorance? What if you conclude that having no religion is better for the mankind?

Maybe that’s the case, but you can’t go to a religious person and tell her on the face that he or she believes in superstition! That’s what I like about your video: it draws examples from science to educate people about tolerance and “independent investigation of truth”, and it does it in a non-invasive manner!

Best of luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Faith as a noun refers to any belief or proposition that is not backed by empirical evidence. Having faith as a verb means to believe in something based on faith.

Therefore, scientists DO NOT have faith in science. Scientific theories are backed by reasoning and logic, constantly tested against evidence, and are always open to discussion and criticism.
Scientists DO NOT have faith in the “unknown”. They use scientific methods to analyze, describe, or control natural phenomena. There are no elements of “unknown” involved, other than those that are caused by our ignorance.
You said “there are answers because there are questions to be answered”. That’s not true! Some of the mathematical hypothesis/problems are still unanswered after hundreds of years. There are numerous questions in physical sciences that we are not even close to have a partial answers to them. Here is a one: “How does my brain generate a series of commands that results in a precise activation of my muscles to enable me to type this letter or play piano? “

Let’s take this statement “Spirit is the lamp; mind is the light which shines from the lamp”. How can you justify this statement? What is a “Spirit” to begin with? I’m assuming that it belongs to the category of “unknowns”?! If that’s the case, then “mind” is a byproduct of something unknown and therefore itself has an unknown origin! Then what the heck our brain is doing there?

You see, followers of religion only pretend that they engage in an “Independent Investigation of the Truth”. All they do is just juggling around their own prejudices and biases! And if they diverge even a bit from the established religious dogma they risk losing their friends, family, and community. SWEET IS THE TASTE OF CONFORMITY!