
People describe it as a weird thing to do. Since that’s not the way it is normally done. Thus, the outcomes are uncertain. It might put you in an uncomfortable situation. Even though, that might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. In fact, you most probably stop for a second and wonder and then you just simply ignore it!
Am I projecting my preconceptions onto the situation? Who knows!
But, you might ask: what situation?
Yeh baby … I got you going! I think we should hang out. I want to get to know you. Simply put: I’m curious about you!
At this moment probably your amygdalate is going to kick in and take control of the situation. But that’s okay! Since, that’s being a human and we can’t do much about it. Nevertheless, seeking reasons for probable actions by asking whys has also been a deriving force in the advancement of human race.
Thus, I assume that implicitly or explicitly you are asking yourself why you might want to expand your universe (putting it very optimistically)?
This is also a question that I need to address! To that I can just say: an improvement in possibilities and resources! That’s why birds migrate. Alternatively, you might choose to hibernate. Evolution has proven both strategies as being feasible solutions!

But, wait a minute … I feel like I have made it all too complicated. I feel like it should be a lot simpler than that. By the way, this is the same feeling that told me in the first place that I should get in touch with you. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not in love with you … I even barely know you! I just thought it might be fun …

Looking forward to hear from you!


There’s a hole in the picture
There’s picture on the wall
I’m wondering if I should call

There’s a hole in the picture
There’s picture on the wall
What if my call strikes as dull?

There’s a hole in the picture
There’s picture on the wall
What if I go to the top if the hill and fall?

There’s a hole in the picture
There’s picture on the wall
Can you fill a hole by a simple call?

There’s a hole in the picture
There’s picture on the wall
It's the time to hit the icecream and forget the vile!


first said...

This mistress of mine turned out to be quite flirtatious! "I tend to be coquette," She elaborated, "and I don’t want to hurt your feelings!" Then she told me that she dreamt of kissing me the night before. I asked if it felt good. She said she couldn’t remember. So, it was my time to take charge of the game: "Well, my dear that’s not a problem. We are going to replicate your experience in couple of minutes!"

first said...

And the game starts with the heart beat of mine
I desire her like never before
The whole evolution in my desire’s side
And all the softness of butterfly and the elegance of gasal in her side
I am entangled and bewildered
What an ephemeral world, what an everlasting desire

Sometimes it is hard to take a deep breath. You know, your heart is beating so heard that your longs never get the chance to be filled to its fullest capacity. That’s called feeling unfulfilled!

You know right away that it’s not going to work. But, in the lizard world there is no PHD! I need to talk to her. She is sitting by the printer. Let’s print 100 pages of absolutely nothing!