Let the diversity of the subjects she deals with and the complexity of her being not fool you. She is a slave of her emotion. She is the bearer of a great pain. As the earth rotates and the sun goes rolling down the sky she thinks life is a lonesome chasm to reside in. Her moods swing and her beasts go wild. What an absurdity in retrospective! What a nausea in prospective! There is no end to absurdity other than in insanity! There is no conclusion to nausea other than in vomiting!
As the first messenger of dawn knocks on her window she realizes it's the time to leave the familiar world of absurdity and enter to an even more absurd world of rationality. What a never ending cycle! What an ever enduring pain! Let her alone in her solitude! There is more in her depression than a simple attitude!

dude this site is amazing
Again this absurdity! What a surprise! Look at me; look at me like you never did before! Life is like a vase and the flowers to be planted and the blossoms to be withered. Who am I to question its grandiose. What am I to make of its mysteries! I am the bearer of a great misery; I am the wonderer in this bewildering ocean!
Come to me and try to understand me. Come to me and try to perceive my pain!
I felt like dieing today!
No! I wasn’t in pain or anything.
In fact, there was nothing to be worried about!
I was so detached, very light, and I was ready!
I wasn’t scared either!
Something like a state of Nirvana!
Yes, you could call that "vasopressin deficiency syndrome"!
(I assume, a neurological description of lack of attachment.)
I was free! That’s what I’m trying to say.
It’s interesting that freedom can grow in this labyrinth.
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