
On Crushes and Metaphors

"There can be no end to our sense of emptiness and incompleteness. This is a truth chiselled indelibly into the script of life."

As maria helena used to say, only unfulfilled love can be romantic. 
Once there is correspondence, it is fatal.
Have lots of crushes, and enjoy the imperfections of people. 
To the dicotomy, are you a romantic or a pragmatic, we can add this concept of a romantic pessimist. 
I rather embrace the romantic optimist idea though, nicely explained by Goethe

Well said! 

A more "realistic" metaphor may be that of a pilot with finite fuel who not only must aim high to eventually arrive at his destination, but also has to discover his destination along the way! He may ultimately find some solace in "amor fati", since wherever he lands will be his Ithaca!

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