
First Things At The Last Minute (Robert Hass)

...Object constancy is a term
Devised to indicate what a child requires
From days. Clean sheets are an example
Of something that, under many circumstances,
A person can control. The patterns moonlight makes
Are chancier, and dreams, well, dreams
Will have their way with you, their way
With you, will have their way.

A: what are you doing tomorrow night?
B: I will not exist tomorrow. I only exist on certain days; and to not come across as flaky, I should add I only don't exist on Saturdays.
A: Huh! Whatever! So, what are you doing tomorrow night?
B: You see, you're upset because you believe in object constancy:

Object constancy is a term
Devised to indicate what a child requires
From days. Clean sheets are an example
Of something that, under many circumstances,
A person can control. The patterns moonlight makes
Are chancier, and dreams, well, dreams
Will have their way with you, their way
With you, will have their way.

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