

The rain drops dissolving the ice cubes of longing

And the orange colored mangos dropping

In a sudden season of maturation!



Anonymous said...

People come, people go
Just like a yo-yo
When I look outside the window
I see lights flickering on and off
Yes, it’s just like a yo-yo
Then I see this bird
Flapping her wings up and down
It think it’s just like a yo-yo
Then I go to work just to return to home
It makes me wonder if it’s all a yo-yo
When I turn off the light,
I hear it go Tic and Toc
Just like a yo-yo
When I go for my jog
I hear it beat in an out
Just like a yo-yo
Then pass by the shore
I see waves pushing against the sands
Just to subside to were it was
I’m sure it’s just a yo-yo
Or the other day we went for the hike
And I yelled wait for me
I heard the echo
And it was just like a yo-yo
But when I do my dance
I have to do that cha cha cha …
Unlike a yo-yo!

Anonymous said...

And what is it with the wind
blowing against those limbs
Yes, it's all a yo-yo!

And the T-doors open and close
Just like a yo-yo

Birds and their wings, kids and their swings, just like a yo-yo

Anonymous said...

And what's up with that telescopic slide
That the maestro made you move in and out?
One-Two One-Two, just like a yo-yo!

Anonymous said...

clap clap, clap clap!
Just like a yo-yo!

Anonymous said...

clap clap, clap clap!
Just like a yo-yo!