
Sharing (by firstcomet)

What does it mean to be finite?
To live in a pond, and hide
From waves, sharks, ocean’s wide
To travel down the same creeks,
To abide by the same rocks …

The cold long winter left me weary
The alpha men’s ideals has made me leery
I want to hatch this shell and be exposed
To break the sphere I’ve been enclosed

To experience the old familiar afresh
To redefine my coordinates on this mesh
To travel down many creeks like a fish
Or like a flying kite that makes a swish

To take a leap beyond the rim
In the ocean I shall swim
Going beyond the everyday whim
Just to find myself scream
Rejoicing an infinite dream!

With you I want to share a tear my dear
I want this life o’vanity to disappear
I want to have this foggy head all clear
I can no longer run this show on fear …


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am an Area I, electrical engineer
Who is weary of competing with his peers
For my b-day please get me a pack of bear
Don’t wait for my graduation, it aint no near!

Anonymous said...

She was a real Q(t).