
Why do people think to present themselves in complete compliance with some moral code will benefit them more, while risking hypocrisy which is the easiest way to destroy ones image in the eye of the masses? How do people come to be masters of �doublethink�? Not only they say they are what they are not, but also they believe they are what they are not! I seem to me that human mind must find contradictory thoughts uncomfortable. But, there are those who are born being naturally disposed to deception. Maybe life events shakes the foundation of their psyches; a sort of defense mechanism to guard them against some unbearable truth.
Uncultivated minds, what a great haven for random acts of evil!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kandel supposes that certain antisocial behaviors — hypocrisy, hatred, or aggression, for example — have unconscious roots and specific homes in the folds of the brain. Kandel speculates that when tribal, national, or cultural groups form, individuals may encounter the same experiences, share the same belief systems, and have similar memories. This shared memory could create a collective soul built from a repeating pattern of neural circuits.