
The impersonator (a poem by firstcomet):

Divided by a fine line to the left and right,
Right and wrong; caught in a fierce fight,
Fight to the end of time; the time was tight,
Tight and tense, in his fist he held the light,
Light in hand, he marched like a knight,
Knight he might, but on the side of the night,
Night, confused, when the devil is your guide,
Night, the imposer of the eternal plight,
Plight, the pestilent snare, hard to decide,
Decide to resist and to endure or to abide,
Abide by the rules or to sail against the tide,
Tide so wide, hopeless to ride or to push aside
The night had changed the rules of the fight,
Right was wrong; his mission was to hide,
To hide, the secret collusion of the night!

.to continue


Anonymous said...

Why are we alive, why do we suffer, why do we die? Why do we reason, why do we live in a prison, what for was the change of the season?
It is a fight against a mighty might. Here are the rules of the fight:

Invent and then abide,
Proceed and then fight,
Till the rules sound right!

Anonymous said...

It's a ugly world you're livein', when you givein' to the uglyness of the world.
But, under stress I take liberty from reason to relieve the distress caused by the mess I never foreseen before.
So, goes the vicious cycle of the capricious minds.

Anonymous said...

Like a man who sees a blinking crossing sign and takes his hand out of his pocket to accelerate his way through the crosswalk, he saw the days of his youth coming to an untimely end and thus took his life in his hand in a dangerous gamble to hasten toward fame.

That evening every angle shed a piece of her feather to cover the dark face of earth with fluffy flicks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And she said
Last night the moon was half white and half black and I thought to myself I was doing something wrong
"I love you, I love you," said the man
And she thought he was a bad man ...