
I see the coordinates, I see the edges, and I see the vertices. That�s true! I am in a box, and man is born in ignorance of the box and becomes aware of it through experience!
To be continued�
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1 comment:

first said...

I am 24 years old. Today is a Saturday. It is 11am and I just got out of my bed. As simple as it might appear I like to say: "Such a life is absurdity and cannot be."
One more time I’ve lost my freedom. What did you do yesterday evening? Came home, had dinner, took a nap, leisurely read some book, she came over, we played guitar, had some wine, spilled my wine, she left, I stayed, met some Indian guys, they got drunk, I talked to them, I came home, I listened to what Jasmine had to say, she cried, I pondered, she reflected, I wondered. It was 3:00am, sleep didn’t come the whole night through, it’s 11:19am, I’m writing for who?
She doesn’t have any clue! Why? Because her neuronal networks are not trained! To give pleasure is an art. To obstinate is a crime! Forms form us and images deceive us. To form another image is the supreme art of life.